Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 2nd 8pm: Margaret Macken, Creggane
Sunday 3rd 10am: Thomas & Mary Ann Harney, Doohan
Tuesday 5th 7pm: Trisha Moore, Meehambee
Wednesday 6th 7pm: Michael Hynes, Drumlosh followed by Rosary and Benediction
Thursday 7th 7pm: Maisie Griffin, Clonbulia
Friday 8th 7pm: Mary Ellen Whyte and Mattie Redmond, Thomastown
Friday 8th 8pm: Doohan Station Mass in the home of Donal & Maureen Harney
Saturday 9th 10.30am: Kathleen Naughton, Doohan (Month’s Mind)
Saturday 9th 8pm: Edward McManus, parents John & Margaret, Nure
Sunday 10th 10am: Mary Duignan, Clonbulia
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 3rd 11am: Martin & Bridie Shine, Drumlosh
Sunday 10th 11am: Johnny, Annie, Patrick & Elizabeth Egan, Curraghnaboll
Rest In Peace
Sr. Carmel Keogh, Dublin and Cuilmore, Taughmaconnell (aunt of James McManus, Cuilmore and Willie McManus, Ardnanure)
Kitty Crehan (née Keogh), The Park, Deerpark, Athlone
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam
Drum I.C.A.
Monthly meeting in Drum Community Centre on Tuesday 5th March at 8.15pm sharp. All members are requested to attend. HSE social worker Eileen Scott will give a talk on bereavement.
Drum Heritage Group
Important committee meeting on Tuesday 5th March at 8.30pm in the heritage centre. Discussion on the McManus Gathering in Drum. Date for you diary: Annual Table Quiz in the Shamrock Lodge hotel on Friday 22nd march at 8.30pm. A great night assured.
Drum Clonown Community Games
Art/Model making will take place on Friday 8th March from 6–8pm in Johnstown Club House for boys and girls u-8 upwards. Children must bring their own materials, paper will be supplied.
Drum Art Group
Exhibition in 'Crumbles and Creams' coffee shop, Ballinasloe. Over 30 paintings on display at affordable prices. Please support.
'Big Bother Big Sister' Volunteers
Foróige's Big Bother Big Sister program is seeking male and female adult volunteers who can share 1-2 hours per week with a young person. Please contact Louise on 086-8596879 for more information.
Oíche Scannáin
Taispeántas scannáin á reáchtáil ag Coláiste Gaeilge, Áth Luain mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge 2013. Dé Céadaoin, an 6 Márta 2013, 7.30 i.n. i dTeach Chiaráin, Cearnóg Mhuire, Áth Luain. Míle fáilte romhat! Bígí linn!
Irish Flim Night
Irish Film Night as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge 2013 on Wednesday 6th March at 7.30pm in St. Ciarán's House, St. Mary's Sqaure, Athlone. Míle fáilte romhat! Bígí linn!
Bring & Buy Cake Sale
On Wednesday 6th March from 11am-2pm in Dean Kelly N.S., The Batteries, Athlone. Everyone welcome for a cuppa and to see our newly refurbished school.
Dr. Steven's Resource Centre
New location on the first floor, Block A, Irishtown Central, Athlone (beside €2 shop). Now taking bookings for various courses. Phone 090-6473001 for further details.
Athlone Musical Society presents Oklahoma!
In the Dean Crowe Theatre from Saturday 2nd to Saturday 9th March at 8pm nightly, with matinee on Sunday 3rd at 4.30pm. Tickets from €11 to €19. For further details and bookings contact 090-6492129.
Thank You
The Society of African Missions (SMA) is very grateful to the parishioners of Ss. Peter & Paul, Athlone for the welcome and support given during the recent Mission Awareness weekend. The donations received for the missionary work of the SMA in Africa came to €1,252.50. Thank you all very much for your kindness and generous response.
Lenten Prayer Groups
Every Tuesday during Lent at the following locations and times:
-Tearmon Micheál at 10.15am;
-Monksland Community Centre at 7pm;
-The Presbytery, Deerpark Road at 8pm.
Each Wednesday during Lent, The Rosary and Benediction will be offered after the evening mass in Drum for all who are sick in our parish.
Stations of the Cross every Wednesday morning during Lent at 9am in Ss. Peter & Paul's Church.
Trócaire Lenten Campaign
Envelopes containing Trócaire Fast Boxes are available at the back of the churches. Every home is asked to bring one and support Trócaire in helping people to make a living so that they can escape poverty.
Spring Stations
Those who wish to host a station mass in their home this spring are invited to contact Drum Parish Office to book a date and time. The stations have been a tradition in the parish for generations and it would be lovely to see the tradition continue and restored for generations to come.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
Ss. Peter & Paul's Parish Pilgrimage to Medjugorje from June 29th to July 6th 2013. Spiritual Director: Fr. John McManus. Contact G Kinneavy at 087-2249621 or Mary Mulligan at 090-6492045 or 087-2936933.