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Sunday, 6 September 2009

Newsletter - Sunday 6th September 2009

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 5th 8pm: Michael Glynn, Crannaghmore
Sunday 6th 10am: Paddy, Mary Frances & Owen Shine
Wednesday 9th 5pm: Senior Citizens Mass in Drum Parish Hall
Friday 11th 7.30pm: CREGGANE STATION MASS in the home of Vincent and Mary Harney
Saturday 12th 10am: ARDNANURE, CURRAGHALEEN and CLONRULLA STATION MASS in the home of Louise Harrington
Saturday 12th 8pm: Frank Naughton, Doohan
Sunday 13th 10am: Tony Duignan, Clonbulia and deceased family members

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 13th 11am: Elizabeth & Patrick Egan, Curnaboll
Sunday 20th 11am: Margaret (Maggie) & John Hynes, Oldtown

Wedding Bells
Siobhan O'Connor & Trevor Nicholson
Lynda Donohue & Alex Kreuer

Conor Diarmuid O'Brien
Ruairi Sean Kelly
James Jackson Conway

Drum Community Care
Mass & Social Evening for the senior citizens of Drum to be held in Drum Parish Hall on Wednesday 9th September commencing with Mass at 5pm sharp. All senior citizens of Drum are invited.

Drum Active Aged
Recommence on Tuesday 8th September in Drum Parish Hall at 3pm. New members are encouraged to join. Get active, meet up for a cuppa and a chat.

Drum I.F.A.
Urgent meeting in Drum Parish Hall this Monday 7th September at 9pm sharp.

Pioneer Mass and Jubilee Celebrations
The Annual Pioneer Mass will be held on Thursday 10th 2009 at 8pm in Clann na nGael Clubhouse, Johnstown. The Golden and Silver Jubilarians will be presented with their pins. Light refreshments will be served afterwards. All are welcome.

To the participants from Drum and Clonown who competed in the National Finals of the Community Games. Well done to all.

Naíonra Réalta Geala
Pre-school through the medium of Irish re-opens in Drum Community Centre on September 8th 2009. Free pre-school places from January 2010 (5 mornings per week). For further information please contact Catherine 086-0641910 Or (090) 6437411 After 6pm.

Kettlebell Total Body Fitness Training
Discover the latest total body workout popular with athletes, sports enthusiasts and even Hollywood celebrities! Classes are held in Drum Community Centre every Monday 7.30-8.30pm and Wednesday 7.30-8.30pm. Free introductory class on Monday 7th and Wednesday 9th September. Classes cost €8 per class or €20 for 3 classes when pre-booked. All levels of fitness welcome (male and female). Instructor: Martin Mulvihill 086-0868171.

Church Gate Collection
The Irish Epilepsy Association will hold their annual church gate collection in Drum and Clonown on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th September. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You
Rehab would like to thank most sincerely all those who supported their recent church gate collections at Drum and Clonown. A total of €256 was collected at Clonown Church and €545 at Drum Church.

Leader Rural Employment Scheme
Vacancies arising in our locality. Applicants must have herd number and be in receipt of some Social Welfare income (at least 12 months). Further enquiries to: Ger Fallon (Leader Supervisor) at 090-6488292.

Rural Community Transport
South Westmeath Rural Transport Association provides a return bus service from Drum/Clonown to Athlone every Friday. The service is operated by Willie Moore. This is a very important service and we encourage people to avail of it. The bus leaves Drum Church at 10am and has collection points at Newtown Cross; Ardkeenan; Thomastown; Clonark; Cornafulla; Drumlosh; Curraghnaboll; Oldtown; Clonown; Carricknaughton and Doogue, arriving at Golden Island Shopping Centre at 11.05am. Bus leaves Golden Island at 1.30pm. View the full timetable on

Ss. Peter & Paul's Church Maintenance Fund
Tickets on sale for two monster draws with prize fund of €200,000. Tickets €100 (€50 per draw) and are available from the Parish Office, Sacristy, Drum Parish Office and various people throughout the parish. Full details available on