As we mark the 21st anniversary today, we say thanks to all those who have supported the centre in any way over the years, we remember those who are no longer with us and we look forward to the next 21 years.Drum Centre a monument to community spirit
By Eddie Rogers
The magnificent Community Centre at Drum which was blessed and officially opened last Friday night in the presence of a huge attendance, representatives of the entire parish will, for many years to come, serve as a fitting monument to the deep and abiding community spirit which enables an ambitious undertaking to be successfully completed. For a small rural carea to provide such an elaborate facility is a remerkable achievement which reflects nothing but the highest credit on all who were associated with the ambitious project.
If you want find out more about the centre, or get involved, please visit the website or feel free to contact us. Remember, it's your commnunity centre - be part of it.
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